

Important events not classified in other sections.


Coronavirus Outbreak (end 2019 - ???)

Since end 2019 there is an outbreak of corona virus from Wuhan to other regions of China and even to other countries. It is rumored thatr this virus is created by the Chinese military and is tested for its effectiveness. The wide spread has also effacted my life in a village, where there are road hurdles and traffic bans. Shops are closed, so that we cannot buy the necessaties. I dare not to go out for weeks, and I dare not to go to market to buy foods. It is not yet clear when this virus can be contained.


Update (2020-10-01):

It is completely out of my understanding and forecasting that the pandemic has lasted so long, and even today it is still not yet under control. People all over the world are wearing masks, especially in public places and gatherings and social contacts of whatsoever. I am solo therefore I need not to do so. There is no sure date when it will end.

What the consequences of the pandemic noone can predict. How it is caused? Will the US and the West and all other countries seek for justice and compensation from China? If China refuses to do so, could be there a WW3? Even nuke war? Terrible prospect!


But one thing is for sure, that this is a man-made virus and is used as a weapon to destroy its enemy. I have the ideas from the very beginning when I have heard this, because of its weirdness of behaviour. Anyone with normal mindset shall come to the same conclusion.


We're at the critical moment of world history right now.