

My Dream Records

It is simply unbelievable and remarkable that I am making so many dreams where some of the most best known people are appearing in my dreams. Since the death of my father in November 2006, I dream of him at least every week.

Then afterwards, since June 2007, I have been dreaming of scientific, business and political leaders of the world very often, such as Bill Gates, Hu Jingtao (China’s President), Wen Jiabao (Chinese Premiere), British Queen, British Prime Minister and others… In fact, I never think of any political leaders, or businessmen during the day, because they are not of my favored people. On contrary these are the people I very much dislike, or even hate to extremity, because they are the great criminals to the nations and the people and to GOD as well. They are liars, evil-doers, cheaters and all kinds of criminals (without these personalities they cannot climb to the hierarchy of the political machines and amass huge wealth - behind every huge wealth there is a great crime as Belzac once put it – therefore I never favor any of them, particularly those of China). Of course I am dreaming of becoming a great scientist – however, I very seldom make such dream – only once with Stephen Hawking and Albert Einstein.

I’ve also seen Jesus Christ once in my dream around September 2009.

Due to so many repetitive dreams, I have to decide to make some records of the important ones. The following are the dream records since September 2007, where there was an (8 months) interruption between end December 2007 and August 2008, not meaning that there were no similar dreams during this time period, just because I didn't’t want to follow the recording because they were too many. Dreams with presence of my father were dropped because there are simply too many, as with those of my mother.

All dreams occurred at nights except mentioned otherwise.

I have inquired by several people about the meaning of my dreams, but none can give me satisfactory answers. Some suggest that GOD calls me to get out of the seclusion and join the Hu government, or at least make my own business or whatever enterprises to serve the nation or the world. Many consider me a great talent and treasure to the nation and therefore shall not live here far away from the boisterous society alone. Some say these dreams have no meanings, and still others consider them as some kind of commands from GOD but not exactly what they are.

Finally, I have found out that the chance will be very high of dreaming of high profile people when my stomach is stuffed withtoo much food in that evening.

However, my altitude is to wait for further instructions from the GOD.

The recording ended in the month of September 2010.

China means the People’s Republic of China and Chinese means of the People’s Republic of China.


Here below are my dream records:


1. 梦 3
1.2. 2009-08-03/09 3
1.3. MY DREAM 2008-09-01 4
1.4. 2008-08-25 4
1.5. 克林顿 6
1.5.1. 2012-8-16 6
1.6. 胡锦涛 6
1.6.1. 2011-6-2 6
1.6.2. 2009/8/24-30 6
1.7.1. Daya Bay Nuclear Power Station 6
1.1.1 2011-11-26 8
2. 2007 8
3. 2008 9
4. 2009 11
5. 2010 15
5.1. JAN 15
5.2. FEB. 15
5.3. MAR 16
5.4. APR. 16
5.5. MAY 17
5.6. JUNE 18
5.7. JULY 18
5.8. AUGUST 18


More refer to the files below:

Dreams ()
Others_Dreams ()

A Wedding in My Dream ()