
"Solaires" is the feminine and plural forms of the french word "solaire" meaning solar.

In the early 2001 I was determined to devote my career to solar energy industry, including solar technology and product introduction to and outside China, software applications and development.

For that purpose I have bought a domain name of and the various companies I use later are always connected with this name.

Solaires Infotech

This was the first name I used for promoting the following business:

- e-business: website design, electronic commerce consultation, database design, and other Internet related consultation and designs

- solar energy product export consultation, including solar heating equipment and PV cells, panels and PV electric power kits

- solar energy technology import from Germany, the US and other foreign countries

- solar energy related software applications and development, incl. radiation calculation, PV output calculations, solar heater design and solar heating system design and engineering, whether databases, education and training software, economical balance calculations etc.

- windpower business: export and import consultation, software for siting, resource evaluation, hydroturbine unit and component design, operation and maintenance software etc

- consultation of joint venture in China for companies in the solar energy and windpower business

- website localization for international companies and website internalization for chinese companies in the solar energy and windpower business

- e-promotion of businesses, products and technologies for the solar energy and windpower business

Solaires Power International

Starting from April 2002, I have removed the e-business part from my business scope list, but expanded the scope of consultation in the energy areas to include also these areas:

- coal fired power generation

- gas turbine driven power generation, incl. combined cycle and integrated coal gasification combined cycle power generation system

- hydropower and pumped storage power generation

- biomass energy

- hydrogen energy

- geothermal energy

- ocean and tidal power

- nuclear power

- other forms of renewable energies

Under "Solaires Power International" I was targeted at multinational companies who wanted detailed reports on a specific projects, an overview of project status in a specific power sector, a specific region, a specific time period, or a specific data such as retail electricity prices etc.

Solaires Translation Services

And then, this is the business now and perhaps forever. After the failure of running the above businesses, I've decided to make my life easier. Earlier, I wanted to keep me in all of the three areas current:

1) power industry

2) IT industry

3) and foreign languages

It was extremely busy for me to do that and makes me exhausting. And was also not fruitful.

Now I just want me competitive in the foreign languages - German, French and English. And keep informed of the latest development in the software and Internet technology development, not as my profession but as my hobby.

The new business focuses on translation between chinese, english, german and french in areas where I am relatively familiar. And step by step I will be also involving in the CAT (Computer Aided Translation) domains by configuring and providing an optimized language solution for various types of enterprises - at first for international companies active in China.