

While body health is essential to my life, spiritual health is even more important, because without faith, I can't imagine why I shall live upto today on the earth. Faith or not, it's why humans are different from other animals.

I have devoted quite a lot of time in Gospel missionary, studied several language versions of the (Christian) Bible (English, French, Russian, German, Greek and Chinese of course), participated in church services, visited patients - those sick - of all kinds, helped the maintenance of the church facilities, translated missionary documents into other languages etc. I used to start a free English class for the church. I was a teacher of a local churcn.

There are popular rumours that most people in the churches are fake Christians, having no love, no faith, no sympathy and extremely selfish and hypercritic. My experiences have also proved these statements. Jesus Himself declared there are no righteous men in the world, no single righteous men at all.

Nevertheless, I firmly believe that there is an Almighty GOD there, who will bless those following Him and punish those betraying Him. Although sometimes I doubt the presence of GOD, there are yet other times with solid events and witnesses which prove God's love and justice.


I have been an ordinary church-goer as a very active member, spend lots of time, efforts there, trying to convince the people to believe in Jesus Christ.

As a Christian I have devoted quite a lot of time in Gospel missionary, studies several language versions of the Bible (English, French, German and Chinese of course), participated in church services, visited patients of all kinds, helped the maintenance of the church building esp. for the cleaning and audio/video systems, translated languages etc. I am attached to the Seventh Day Adventists Church here in Hangzhou.

I firmly believe that there is an Allmighty Good there, who will bless those following Him and punish those betray Him

But I was very much frustrated by the people in and around the churches.

Refer to Returning2Church for my recent church visit.


I will never dishonor the GOD, and I will keep serve only Him. I will also go to church, pay tributes to them and help the poor, needy and ill when possible.

Is there really a GOD in the sense of the Christian communities? Of course, there are also gods of different religious groups, or even the secular societies have also their own gods, such as the Chinese society.


I am sure there is a mighty God, who governs all forces of nature and society. My God is actually natural and social laws, available to all places of the world and universe.
But the churches, not just in China but also throughout the world, are not representing God. In most cases they are just act in God's name in order to pursue their worldly benifits. Almost all churches, incl the Pope, are fake Christians, they care little for the oppressed, and kotow to totalitarian regimes. They sell their souls to rulers, kings, capitalists and that kind of people and things. All churches have to be dismantled and rebuilt according to Jesus' order.


It has been my firm belief in freedom, democracy and justice ever since I was a little boy. I prefer to enjoy a free life than bounded to anyone. For that I have paid huge price – isolation, misunderstanding, impoverishment, punishment and others. I think only a true free and democratic society can guarantee the social and economic development in the sense of GOD, if it really exists.

I firmly believe there is a supernatural force in the universe, the galaxy, the solar system, the earth, in the heaven, in ocean, in human being and everything else. There is something that we cannot manipulate ourselves as human being. We are so tiny in the vast Universe that we are not to boost ourselves. Rather we have to obey, to learn and understand the natural and human laws, and to serve only this supernatural law – that is GOD.

GOD is reflected in the Bible and many other scriptures and is being discovered by human kind of generations and generations of all cultures, nations and peoples.

Justice, Fairness, Love

Over the past years, I have been respecting and honoring the Laws of GOD, by not offending Him, whether they are written in the Bible or in human laws. I’ve never committed adultery, killing, and all kinds of crimes, and was never accused of any crime by a government body or organization. I have been keeping myself clean from any of such crimes.

Church Services

I have been an ordinary church-goer as a very active member, spend lots of time, efforts there, trying to convince the people to believe in Jesus Christ.

As a Christian I have devoted quite a lot of time in Gospel missionary, studies several language versions of the Bible (English, French, German and Chinese of course), participated in church services, visited patients of all kinds, helped the maintenance of the church building esp. for the cleaning and audio/video systems, translated languages etc. I am attached to the Seventh Day Adventists Church here in Hangzhou.


My Prayer


GOD Almighty, praise you all your glory and thank you for your grace! I am living in China, a land where people are suffering from the totalitarian rule of a cruel government which torture and mishandle people of different opinions, especially those with strong faith in GOD. They are destroying churches, tearing town crosses from church buildings and menace those who defend GOD’s abodes. They are taking control of the Christian communities in China by force, using powerful weapons while we Christians are barehanded. GOD Almighty we are suffering for your good, some of us are beaten to death, some of threated to leave their jobs and to give up their businesses. I myself is unable to do my studies, researches and businesses because I am closely monitored by the communists. GOD, mercy on us, save us from destruction by the Chinese government which is one of the most terrific in the world history, because it killed thousands of peaceful demonstrators by tanks, gunfires and other weapons if they think their rules are in danger. My GOD, be with us and help us defeat Satan’s representative, that is the Chinese communists.


信仰心路 My Road to Faith



如此,经过许多年的徘徊,我终于于2004年末的某个时候鼓起勇气踏进了基督复临安息日教会位于杭州文三西路一幢商办楼里面的教堂。那时我住在附近一个小区,徒步也就几分钟路程。我从2001年初来到杭州也已将近4年,一直独自谋生,没有正式上班(期间虽然在二个公司工作,但时间很短),因而略感孤寂,需要群体环境。考虑再三,感觉惟有基督教会是可能找到同道的地方。记得第一次去的是教会晚上的查经会。人比较热心,给人丝丝暖意。迄今我还清晰记得当时教会的一位姐妹递给我圣经的情形,历历在目。后来便频繁出入教堂,主要被哪里的诗歌吸引。自从听了教堂的圣诗,我基本上就不再听世俗的歌曲, 就连我非常喜欢的小提琴协奏曲,钢琴协奏曲,交响曲等过去百听不厌的古典名曲都不再入我法眼,向帕格尼尼,海菲茨,梅纽因等彻底告别。可惜我当时声带不好,无法敞开喉咙,放声高歌,但我还是尽量参与唱圣诗活动。渐渐地,我的心灵得到某种洗涤,灵魂得到升华,感觉上帝如此接近,没有理由不为神的事业贡献力量。经过近二年的努力,在神的呼招下,经过教会的严格考核,我于2006年6月份,与众多兄弟姐妹一道,在杭州文新教会受洗,正式归主名下,成为神的儿女之一。那一刻,感觉无比舒畅,幸福。人生进入崭新一页,过去的旧我不在了,神的灵降临。









Visit to Christian Members







  • 身体软弱的
  • 灵性软弱的
  • 比较摆上的主要 同工,尤其当他/她软弱时



















利用教会的QQ 群进行交流。







Church, Religions and Faith

I will continue my story with the Christian church in Hangzhou, which I will detail in my biography there. Only some short words for you who have no ideas of my religious life before. I went to church at end 2004, after many years of hesitation – perhaps ever since the early 1990’s. And I used to be active in church around the 2005 and early 2006 years period, but soon retreated from my involvement there.

And after coming to downtown Huzhou, I did not engage myself in church life, because I was cut off from church already in 2006 or 2007 – although I did go to churches occasionally until my day of leaving Hangzhou - , therefore I did not expect to join any religious group here in Huzhou.

However, somehow I wanted to know what are happening to the churches here in Huzhou, and how they are different from those in Hangzhou, therefore I was also looking for one of them, where I can at least sit there and listen to what people are doing, talking and thinking.

Church Activities

Nevertheless I still attended from time to time a few weekends at the main Church in Huzhou – not SDA but Catholic church there, as the one SDA church is located in a remote town called Hefu 和孚 and in the city there was only a small family gathering near the Lianhua Zhuang 莲花庄 Park, but I did not want to participate in family gathering as I did not want to engage in active interaction with the people there, rather I would like only to be an observer. I vowed never to actively involve myself in the religious activities after my experiences with the church in Hangzhou.

So I went there on May 3, 2012, on Thursday, a day for bible studies there. Walking to there was only about 15 minutes.

But this day the bible reading was changed to preaching. The teacher came from Hangzhou and was a boss of a real estate company there. His topic was donation, which touched me the most. Because at the moment I was penniless. Over the last five years or so I didn’t earn any thing, my business was stopped and there was any sign of recovery. With a life hardly possible, how can I donate to churches? Thinking about my past, how prosperous it was! Whatever I was doing, studying, politics, business, GOD have given me all the best, and all beyond the imaginary of ordinary people. GOD used to wish me undertake more responsibilities, but I light heartedly have given them all up.

How can I donate? Dong my job well is also one kind of donation to GOD. Honoring my mother is another one. At the current situation, it would be impossible for me to donate a large sum of money.

Therefore I prayed “GOD, please tell me all these in order that I can be used by thou and let me get rid of shame”

Here below the Chinese words on 2012-5-3:

  • 很久以来想在周四去教会查经,今天回来后,吃好晚饭,我就去了。距离不远,走路十分钟的样子。
  • 到那里时,活动已经有些时间了。今天不是查经,而是讲道,讲道人是来自杭州一个房地产公司老总,题目是奉献。这个题目最触动我的神经,因为我目前一无所有。五年来,我分文未赚,业务处于停滞状态,而且根本没有复苏迹象。生活尚且艰难,何以奉献?想想过去,我是何等的辉煌?在这个世界上,有几个人何曾有过我等成功的机会?无论是学业,仕途,从商,上帝都给了我最好的,超乎他人想象的福气。本来上帝是要我承担许多的责任,可我轻易放弃了。
  • 我如何奉献?把我的工作做好也是一种奉献,孝敬母亲也是奉献。目前情形下,要我拿出大把资金,是不可能的。
  • 神啊,求你指教我这一切,让我能为你所用,使我摆脱羞愧。

My Religious Views

The next day, May 6, 2012, I have further expressed my view on religion, Christianity and churches.

I said I have some thought about faith, truth, religion, church, god, bible etc, unfortunately I have no time to put them together. And I hoped once my business went on right track, I will share with others, incl the information about SDA churches worldwide – these words were said to my people in SDA churches.

In around 2009 I wanted to pursue theological studies in SDA universities, but studies at theological universities or at secular (normal) universities for theology shall be paid by the students themselves, while I didn’t have to money to do so, therefore I didn’t realize my goal then. However, during that process of applications I managed to learn some thing about the SDA, especially the SDA educational systems which is quite considerable in scale. SDA’s another key focus is health care. If I had time I would report about the SDA information collected from SDA church sites worldwide in order to share with my people. We shall also know why we shall come to SDA? What is its uniqueness? Where it is correct and where it is wrong? According to my observations, at the present day, all religions and religious groups, are still limited to religion not upgraded to faith and truth. Te be frank, they are some sorts of social activities and are parts of the cultures. Religion means in Latin gather together, and is a repetitive gathering, and not a one time event, that’s all, no faith was there, and it is still so.

But I am not ready to talk and study theology here. Theology is the most difficult discipline among all sciences, as well as the most complicated and controversial doctrine, even if one studies a whole life, one can only grasp a tiny portion of it, therefore I dare not to touch it. I only wanted to share something with my friends. I even can’t understand the bible, although I have tried bibles in several languages, and I still felt vacant, empty, lost. Where is the grandeur of the bible? I have read some parts of bible at the early days of university, and later I have continued reading while in home gathering for bible studies and god worship, but I have lost any kind of impression of the bible. I have read many many books, almost a book of about 200 to 300 pages a day. But I couldn’t find any big difference between the bible and other books, therefore I would like to know where is the difference at all? After reading it several times I found only that there are many questions unanswered.

Pilato aksed Jesus, what is truth. I found it the key question. Pilato looked very lovely. Surprisingly, Jesus did not answer him. I supposed that Jesus meant that what was in front of him (Pilato) was actually truth, so why did you bother to ask this question?

Again I objected to frequent donation of churches. If members are not willing to donate, it explains the shepherd was wrong, but not the sheep. This is true in all other organizations. If the church can make me feel really like a home, full of god’s love, and extends its hands at time of need, I believe members are willing to give anytime without warning. I have witnessed a church which shouted at the altar in the synagogue, asking the members to give out all they have for the construction of a new church, incl. next year’s projected income, and all savings accumulated over the last years as well as gold, silver and other treasures. They are plundering the believers and they ignored all the life difficulties of the members, how can one find the life of Jesus there?  If there is difficulty to build a new synagogue, the just postpone it and cancel the plan. Building a new one or maintain the old one, shall never sacrifice the living standards of its members.

The Chinese original text:

  • 我对信仰,真理,宗教,教会,神,圣经,宗教统一等等都有一些思考,可惜,没有时间精力来归纳总结。期待一旦业务走上正轨,与众人分享。包括SDA的一些情况。大概2009年我曾试图去SDA某大学都神学,但国外读神学需要自费,而我哪有财力自己去哪里呢?所以我没有实现当时的目标。不过,这个过程当中让我略为了解了SDA的一些情况,特别是SDA的教育还是比较有规模的。SDA的另一个大的方面是医疗。如果我有时间,我会经常报告从SDA世界各地网站收集来的信息与国内SDA信徒分享。我们也要知道我为什么要到SDA?他有什么特点?那些是正确的,那些是错误的。按照我的观察,目前而言,世界各种宗教,各种派别,还是在宗教里面打转,没有上升到信仰和真理层面。 说穿了,其实就是一种社会活动,是文化的一个组成部分而已。宗教religion 在拉丁文的原意就是大家一起再来聚会。 因此是反复的聚会,不是一次性的。 就是如此,原来没有信仰在里面,现在仍然如此。
  • 但我不准备在这里探讨神学。神学是所有学问中最困难,复杂,有争议的学说。 即使学习一辈子,也只能知道一些皮毛。我不敢进入这个领域。 我只想将我的想法与大家分享。我连圣经都看不懂,虽然看了多种语言的圣经,仍然是一片空白。让然搞不清楚,圣经伟大的何处?读大学时就了解过圣经,后来在与每个人的家庭聚会中,也读过一点,但没有丝毫印象。 我读的书是很多的,几乎每天一本100 到200页的书,而且一般不是中文。圣经只需要我花2到3天时间就读完。 但我没有发现他不我读的其他成千上万本书有太大差别。所以,我想了解,他到底不一样在什么地方?我过去读过几篇,给我的印象是,有许许多多的问题未找到答案。我是一个数学脑袋,希望什么事情都有个完整,系统,逻辑的定量的结论。
  • Pilato 问耶稣,什么是真理,我觉得这是个关键问题。 Pilato显得很可爱。奇怪的是, 主耶稣没有回答。 估计耶稣意思是 站在你面前的就是真理,你还用问吗?
  • 我反对教会频频举行奉献活动。 一个教会,如果信徒不愿意奉献,说明牧羊人出问题了,而不是小羊们的问题。这个道理,在任何其他机构单位都一样。如果教会让我真的有家的感觉,充满基督的爱,在会众有需要帮助时及时伸出援手,我想,信徒们会乐意奉献而不必时时提醒。我见证过一个教会,为了建新教堂,在圣坛上声嘶力竭地叫嚷,要求信徒倾家荡产地奉献所有,包括来年的预计收入和过去多年辛苦积攒的积蓄。这是对信徒的掠夺,丝毫不顾忌信徒的生活,哪有基督的爱在里面?如果钱一时无法筹集,就暂缓建堂,或取消建设计划。建设教堂或者维护教堂的正常运转,丝毫不能以牺牲信徒的生活水准为代价。


Privileged order of Christian life


A few days later, I have posted an article regarding my view of church services to a local SDA church group’s website, where I was actively involved years ago but disconnected out of desperate relations with its people there.

The post was centered around a topic presented at the church in Huzhou, and again it was about devotion and donation to church, a favorite topics at almost all churches in China, and a most frightened topic to me with a shriveled pocket. Another topic was about the preferred order of life of Christians, which was my favorite one.

The preacher pointed out that for a Christian, the privileged order of life shall be: GOD, family, job and church services.  I agree with him.

GOD, that is, truth, is above all and the favorite among the favorites.

And without a harmonic and beloved family, all other things are null.

And further, if you jibs or business or studies are all crumpled, how can you serve the churches?

And church services, in its narrower meaning, can mean jobs in churches and can also mean the respect and honoring of GOD. To specialized teaching and workers in churches, they are one.

Thus, considering my own situation, I did not possess the qualifications for being a church worker. Apart from my little understanding of GOD and little confidence in GOD, with my super old age, and without my own family, and with my business in chaos, how can I participate in church missionary? In the past, I did some jobs in Hangzhou blindeyedly, and it was ridiculous now.

Therefore my urgent thing now is to put my business to normal track, have my own family, have a normal life – that is, a life of true Christian.





About Church Expansion and Construction

Churches are being constructed bigger and bigger and more and more beautiful in many places of the country. Some of them are no different from commercial buildings. I am totally objected to building so expensive churches.

It will only put heavy burdens on church members, especially at time when prices are hiking rapidly.

Churches are also supplied with many accessory buildings, making the usable spaces smaller.

I consider that the smaller and the humbler the more honest the worshiping, and on contrary, the luxurious the churches the superstitious.  

Churches shall learn from the time of the apostles and shall become a large and fair family, not a place to compete with each other in wealth, power, position etc.

And the real estate tycoon who preached yesterday was intended to show the audience how rich he was.

In come churches, positions there are fully determined by the wealth and positions in the secular society, and thus there are no differences between these two.

The why I shall go there?

The present day churches are far distant from the initial mission of GOD.

Also my Chinese texts:

  • 那样加重信徒负担,特别在这个物价飞涨的年代,而赚钱也不容易
  • 教堂有附设许多附属建筑,使礼拜空间狭小。
  • 我认为,教堂越简陋,敬拜的心越虔诚,越豪华,越不诚。
  • 教堂应该学学使徒时代的样子,成为一个平等的大家庭,而不是比阔比权势地位的场所。
  • 昨天讲道的那位房地产大佬就有向众人显示他何等富有的意思。
  • 在有些教会,圣职的授予完全按照其在世俗社会的财富地位决定,跟世俗社会没有差别。
  • 那我何必到哪里去呢?
  • 当今的教会离神的初衷相去甚远。

About Tithes

A few days later, on May 5, 2012, I continued to comment on the donation to churches, particularly about the socalled “Tithes”, that is the proportion of your income to be given to your church – one tenth.

In my opinion, the Tithes mentioned in the Bible is an idealistic donation model, and in fact, from ancient times to today, it has never been fully implemented.

At the time this Tithes was proposed, taxes were not as heavy as today or none at all, while churches were the only governing organizations of the society – the society itself was just in birth.

In west countries, donations, incl. donations to churches, are excepted from taxes while there is no similar law in China.

Tithes together with the donations to church constructions and other givings make church members a heavy burden.

Shall the churches and their management also be democratized, transparent and open? These are also the concerns of their members. Where my money is gone? Many will raise such questions. If churches are not democratic how can we require that the society is democratic?

Churches shall cut off all unnecessary activities and expenditure, and buoyant gathering and events. They can only create an one time emotional effect, but does not help the cause of GOD.

And now, when people are talking about church construction, without dozens of millions, one feels humbled.

It seems the bigger the church, the more the people, the better.

In such gigantic churches, there is no difference to watching a sport games in a stadium – as I experienced one in a church where more than 7000 people can gather together – and  bustling was the only hot point while no sign of Jesus was found.

Therefore one has to weigh himself when donating.

The poor widow has given all her money to church, what is meant by Jesus? Jesus does not ask poor people to mimic the poor widow, rather, he does not want the poor the pour out all they have. Instead, he warns the rich to learn from the poor widow and give as much as they can.

Jesus wants to say, that the poor widow has given all she has, why you rich guys do not pay a little more to the churches. Jesus was in fact criticizing the Pharisees. Can the richer guys give out one tenth of their income and assets? I very much doubt about this.

And churches are not places for plundering wealth.












穷寡妇把她养生的二块钱都捐献出去了. 耶稣想说明什么?耶稣不是要穷人学寡妇的样子。他不是要缺乏的人倾其所有。





Bible Studies


I used to read the Holy Bible in several languages incl. English, German, French, Russian, Greek, Hebrew and of course, Chinese, my mother tongue. But now I have no so much time for so many language readings, instean I confine my Bible readon only to English.

At the moment I am rereading the whole Bible from the Genesis, but my reading is very slow, barely a chapter a day.

THE HOLY BIBLE_King_James_Version.pdf

If I could start my theological studies at a seminar in Europe, I will resume my multilingual reading.



Theology Studies





Systematic Theology pdf

Berkhof1949 Systematic Theology p833


Boyce1887 Abstract of Systematic Theology p397
By Rev. James Petigru Boyce, D. D., LL. D.,
Joseph-Emerson-Brown Professor of Systematic Theology
The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
First published in 1887

Cheung2010 Systematic Theology p210
Vincent Cheung
Email: [email protected]

Frame2013 Systematic Theology Excerpt p240
Dr. John M. Frame

Hodge1878 Systematic Theology - Volume I p672
Author(s): Hodge, Charles (1797-1878)

Hodge1878 Systematic Theology - Volume III p806

Paul Milan

Miley1892 Systematic-Theology p1064


Strong1907 Systematic Theology Volume 2 p962
A Compendium and Commonplace-Book
Designed For The Use Of Theological Students
Augustus Hopkins Strong, D.D., LL.D.
President and Professor of Biblical Theology in the
Rochester Theological Seminary
Revised and Enlarged
In Three Volumes
Volume 2
The Doctrine of Man
The Judson Press


Thiessen1979 Lectures in Systematic Theology p233

Tow2007 Theology for Every Christian p736

A Systematic Theology in the Reformed and Premillennial Tradition of J Oliver Buswell by Timothy Tow and Jeffrey Khoo
2007 Far Eastern Bible College

These documents show my activities in a local church some years ago:

Why Study Theology

This is my motivation Essay of Motivation English (motivation)

Information about Local Churches


Bible Studies

There were days when I was enthusiastic about Bible reading and I have even tried in several languages.
La Sankta biblio p1541.pdf
Malnova testamento 1 p454.pdf
Malnova testamento 3 p448.pdf
Nova testamento p485.pdf
The Holy Bible Latin Vulgate Translation p1066.pdf
The Holy Bible Latin Vulgate Translation p1388.pdf
The Holy Bible Latin Vulgate Translation p1839.pdf
bible_de_Die Geschichte der Bibel.pdf
la_biblia_vulgata_latina p522.pdf

Hymns - my favorite Hymns

Songs of the churches - even those sung in the Bhudism temples - are of the melody not of the humans, they come from the heaven and they sound completely different from those of worldly nature. And now I only listen to psalms because only they can give me a feeling which pierce deep into my hear and provide an echo distant from the past and go beyond the present.They are one of the most important factors attracting me to churches. I think there is no other thing which retains me in churches. 

XXX 教会 XXX Church Hangzhou

English Teaching Site

A website was designed to manage my free English class for the XXX Church members, see the following contents of the site:


My Prayer


Apart from prayer, I have no weapons no ways no tools to change China's direction of development.


God Almighty, raise the low and lower the haughty...


Our Father in Heaven, teach us your truth, give us life and shed your light onto our roads, because we're mislead, we're a dying people and we're living in darkness...


Our Father in Heaven, let the poor become rich, let the weak become strong ...


Our Father in Heaven, forgive our sins, our sins are great - we comit killings, betray, adultary, surpressions, robbery, thefts, liar ...


Lord God, indoctrinate the Chinese how to behave properly both at home and in public places, because they know nothing about the etiquette of the civilized world - they are still an uncivilized people and are not aware of what they are doing and their impact on the outside world - they don't know how to talk, how to walk, how to eat in the restaurants, how to drive cars, how to get along with and respect others etc etc.


Lord God, save the Chinese people from surpressions by communist government and its officials


Lord God, remove the evil communist regime and establish a free and democratic system in China.

More see My Road To Religions And Faith - Foreword