My Diary

(February 2020)


February 29


Today I have finally found an way to find good proxies (shadowsocks and v2ray), that is through subscriptions. I have also verified all other possible proxy tools, but most of them need a VPS for their installation and running, taking time.

Unfortunately I found the proxies from the subscriptions don't work, they cannot be used for ftp operations, therefore the subscriptions are almost useless.

Again I have spent almost the while night to find a proxy for ftp uploading, failed.



February 28

Life return to normal

Since end January 2020, I was stucked to my home and was unable to move around because of the corona virus. And now for the first of a month, I was able to again ride my bike to a nearby town of Tonglin to buy my food and daily necessaties - vegatables, chicken, potatos etc.

The roads to villages are still blocked, but the main highways are open to traffic. The outdoor market square at Donglin town was closed, but the indoor market was open, and those usually selling stuffs at the opendoor market were now selling indoors. Therefore I have to buy all things in the indoor market.

My Websites

Now I have made all my websites ready. There are three kinds of websites, namely:

Private site for personal info only-

This site will provide only information about my private life. This site will be hosted at a free hosting and a link will be provided from either a google site or a wordpress site, depending on which is more reliable and stable.

Private site for all other information

This is called Plutus and will hold information about my researches, studies, businesses, education and career. It is now on the domain hosted on a VPS, but I might move it to a free hosting as well, because 1) the site does not bring any contacts and revenues and 2) VPS does not reason for the ill performance. When the VPS service expires in April 2020, I will move my site contents to a free hosting and then also provide a link from my google site or google blogger.

Satellite modem technology site

For the same reasons I will do the same thing like the domain. The site is now called, offering satellite broadband Internet solutions, but I plan to restrict my services to design of satellite modem only and therefore its contents will be significantly reduced.

Site updating

From 15:00 to 17:00 I have spent 2 hours, just to update one page at google site and a few pages at another site hosted at a free hosting service. It is so difficult to find a proxy to use for updating website pages via ftp. It is becoming a nightmare to do so. That wastes too much of my time and makes me crazy.