My Diaries

(Novemver 2017)


November 29

From 10th of November, I have been involved in the design of various web presence for my business in the online finance consulting sector, and a dozen of blogs, social media sites and web sites are developed and updated, and some kinds of compaigns and marketing are being initiated. My presence includes google blogger, google site, google groups, google plus, wordpress blog, facebook and its pages and groups, for my English part, and on the Chinese side, they include a wordpress blog as well as a sina blog, a QQ zone, a Baidu site and Tieba, and Zhihu site.

The English part concentrates on online banking security while the Chinese part spreads over all key issues of the Internet finance industry.

In addition to the above, I have also a blog dedicated to the IC technology development where I will publish some of the most recent technology updates of the integrated circuits, with special coverage of new generations of IC technologies such as graphe circuits, spintronics based circuits, quantum circuits etc.

And now all these preparations are completed and I now can relax a bit, and in the coming days I will gradually improve these sites and blogs with more data and information, better outlook and more userfriendly and customer oriented. That will take tremendous time and efforts of my side. A full scale marketing compaign for these sites and services will consume much of my time.

This is why I couldn't update my diaries over the last two to three weeks here. I hope my diary will return to normal afterwards.

November 21


创办一个公司企业需要做计划,就是所谓的商业规划“Business plan”,有一整套复杂的程序,投入大量的时间和精力。然而,至关重要的,生命攸关的人生轨迹,却鲜有人兴师动众地,正规地,严肃地进行规划,投入大量的人力物力。而且,一旦规划好后,应持之以恒地加以实现。其中,应随着形势,年龄阶段等等情况做出必要的调整,但不应全盘否定先前的主要目标。





November 18













November 18





人类是地球上动物,也就是生物的一种。不幸的是,所有生物和动物都有有限的寿命,而人类并非是最长寿的生物,只有区区几十年。有些生物据称已有数千年的寿命。即使从总体来看人类,迄今为止,也只有数十万年的历史,跟地球据称几十亿年的球龄相差实在太远 - 可以用哈尔滨到海南距离跟足球场的长度相比。在地球几十亿年的历史中,据称可能存在过一次或数次高等文明,也许比我们现今的文明发达许多。如果此次人类文明能存在数亿年或几千万年之久,那么我们现今的人类只是处于这个文明年龄的摇篮期, 甚至于更年幼,只是其整体寿命的千分之一或万分之一。所以,无法想象,当这次文明到达成熟期,人类和地球将是什么样子。不过霍金预料,本次文明只有大概600年的时间。而我本人倾向于认为,只有300年左右的时间。那时,人类将毁于一场核大战。有专家认为,前次文明很有可能毁于一场核大战,而且有些考古证据。

我认为,人类不可能无休无止地发展下去,尤其是如今以西方/美国主导的发展模式 - 也就是那个叫“牛仔 Cowboy” 模式将给人类带来毁灭性灾难。倒是中国过去那种农耕文明是维持人类永久生存的较好模式。没有必要所谓现代科技和各种以摧毁地球数亿年来形成的天体系统为成本建立的所谓现代社会和消费机制。地球无法承载人类无休无止的索求而最后陷于崩溃,就如同贫穷的父母无法承受他们的子女的无休无止的索取而早早离世一样。



昨天傍晚四点多的时候出去散步,天气似乎一直在转好。已经连续下了二天中等大小的雨,够了,应该放晴了。人的心情也已经逐渐变坏,盼望雨过天晴。事与愿反,到了晚上十点左右,突然狂风大作,鬼哭狼嚎,6,7级大风一直呼啸到今天早晨6点左右。气温一下子探底到几近冬天。 查了一下天气预报,果然不出所料,气温骤降10度,到最低4度,最高才10度。现在才公历11月中旬啊!不知数九寒冬,会冷到什么程度。 于是早晨起来不得不加厚衣服。本人不喜欢冬天,更喜欢夏天。阳光明媚,行动方便。可是,如今的气候,被暖室效应破坏成只有二个季节,即冬天和夏天,春秋很短,感觉不明显。此地冬天从11月中旬一直延伸到来年三月底,接近5个月之久,非常难熬。

Last evening at about 4:00 I was walking about in the village roads, and it seemed the weather was clearing up and it was expected that we would soon have a nice day tomorrow. It has been raining quite heavily for the last two days, and people were getting unappy with the incessant rains and were hoping it to stop soon.

However, at about 10:00 in the night, suddenly a stormy wind began to blast, and shout from the north, together with the rain, it has blasted till about 6:00 in this morning, and the temperature has dropped by 12 degrees Celsius to 10 degree maximum and 2 degree minimum. The wind is still blowing while I am writing this essay. I feel quite cold now with my hands, and I have to put on more clothes soon after getting up this morning.

The wind was so strong that I dared not to go out for a walk, therefore I stayed at home this morning.



I dreamed of my mother last night, but like most other dreams I couldn't remember what was the dream like. However, one thing is clear that in the dreams, as long as I can see my dear mother, I feel satisfied and happy. Life without mother is lifeless and loveless. Whoelse can take her place? A lady, or my own kids? My brothers and sisters? No, not one of them.


My Studies and Research Plans

I have been troubled with my studies and research plans ever since the death of my mother March last year. And I think I shall finalize it now, without any alteration in the future. As my final decision, I will continue with graph theory but I will put less emphasis on it and instead I might spend a little bit more time on IC technologies, or both of them will be treated almost equally with IC slightly higher priority. But overall, I will allocated shorter time on academic activities and instead devote the majority of my efforts to business, which is and will be in the field of online finance and its security. Other businesses such as IC design and consulting, operations research applications and so on will be only serve as standbys.

November 09

Today is a busy day. I've changed the frontpage of the NeoWorld Business Corp website, and from now on, NWB will focus on online finance business, not spread over a wide spectrum of business areas as before. I've prepared for relevant commpaign letters for this business area, as well as revised those for operations research and IC design businesses.

I' ve also updated my personal site, with information about my new business focus as well as studies about IC technologies and operations research. Earlier I've removed IC technologies from my site, and it was graph theory not operations research as my main study topic. Graph theory indeed is still the main research topic, but it will be extended to OR in general, because graph theory is one of the mathematical tools for operations research.

November 08

I set Online Finance as my priority business area, especially security issues in online banking, as I meet them when managing my bank accounts online or transferring money over the Internet with my clients. It's a big issue and needs long time of studies and experiencing.

Meanwhile, as I set operations research, graph theory and combinatorial optimization as among my research topics, I will also resume my business in this field, as my permanent business orientation as well.

And finally IC technologies will also be recovered as one of my business areas, because I will also resume my studies in this field.

Therefore, three businesses - online finance, operations research and IC technologies - will be my final business targets, and will never be changed. Among them, online finance will expect to bring me the majority of income, while the other two are only standby and hobby businesses.

The next step is to decide how to promote my business.

November 07

Time flies. It is now November and pretty soon it will be approaching the year end, and another year without any achievement.

I have received two conference announcements - one from Intel China and one from a local Chinese IC company. But I won't attend their conferences, because none of them stated that they will pay me all the costs for participating in those events. But anyway, that is a bit positive, at least it is a sign that some of my IC expertise are being recognized in the industry.

Therefore I have resumed my IC design activities, according to the original plan and I hope to finish my PC hardware IC design in less than 10 months from now. But I won't hurry up, because it is only my hobby, no fixed schedule, just some vague idea in which timeframe this design might be completed.

Along with IC design, is also recovered my graph theory and related math studies. But operations research may or may not be among my focus there, depending on how big my chance with international companies might be in the coming weeks.

Mr Neubauer in Germany asked me to give him a price indication about solar panels. But it is difficult to get the prices now, without detailed information about the project and some technical specifications. And without close contacts with local suppliers I have no chance to obtain a favorite offer, as was the case 12 years ago, when I have orders in hundreds of millions of Euro but local solar manufacturers still were reluctant to provide me good offers. And the situation now is much worse.

Now it is hard to proceed with my business. Batch mailing is no more working. Other marketing strategies take long long time and huge efforts - a nice blog and its promotion, a social networking accounts and its maintenance, and many more online marketing ways.

Apart from that, it is very difficult to decide what to do now. Power trading relies on many real world experiences, globalization costs too low to receive the orders, operations research is far from being reachable etc etc. What can I do now?