My Diaries

(Nov - Dec, 2011)



I’ve stopped writing my essay for a month now, partly because lack of time, but also owing to my laziness. I feel nothing to write at this time period.

Qinghe River and the City of Huzhou

About three weeks ago, I’ve spotted an excellent walking passage along the river which is later identified as named Qinghe (Clean River in plain English), also part of the 280 km river leading to Shanghai’s Huangpu port from upstream Changxin county. A significant section of some of the rivers in the city of Huzhou is laid out with passage ways along with them and thus these rivers have become very pleasant roads for jogging and walking. It was a great finding to me, because, unlike in Hangzhou where I could go to mountains everyday, here in Huzhou, I can only go to the 30 minute distant mountain twice a week, and the mountain is only with one hill and is standing there solo, while in Hangzhou, almost all hills are linked so that you can spend a whole day there running from one hill to another. Thus in Huzhou, I don’t have the same feeling as climbing mountains in Hangzhou.

Nevertheless, walking along the ruver banks with the sun blowing and ready to setting is a great experience, and adding the busy transport in the water, because this waterway, named China’s Rhine river, is China’s busineast waterway, and is of great economic importance. The ships, mostly in the range of about 500 to 800 tons, are so many that they are following one after another almost without gap, both ways. Downstream come the ships heading to Shanghai laden with coal, bricks, cements, wood and other construction materials, and upstream sail the boats to the mountains and valleys in the sururban county of Changxin.

This is also the same waterway which carried me from the small village here to Shanghai about 30 years ago. It took about 20 hours to reach Shanghai, and when we reached Shanghai, we were always amazed at the gigantic ships and towers there.

Huzhou, also considered only as a tier 5 city in China (tier 1 Shanghai and Beijing, tier 2 Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Tianjin etc, tier 3 Hangzhou, Qingdao etc, tier4 Ningbo, Jiaxing etc), with a population of about 1 million in the city proper, is strategically located at the very center of China’s most powerful economic engine – the Yangtze Delta Region including Shanghai, Hangzhou, Suzhou and some of the other economic giants.  However, Huzhou is unique in many ways. Today I only want to talk about rivers. In Hangzhou, and in any other cities in China, you cannot find so many “big” rivers nicely navitable, and relatively quite. Suzhou is nicknamed China’s Venice, but there are no big rivers, and in Shanghai there is only one river now, but not navitable nor quite. Here in Huhzhou, the river is still naturally running, with ships moving here and there, full of life. There is also not much noise and traffice around the river, while the passage ways are nicely paved newly. I don’t know how many rivers there are, but certainly many. Huzhou, close to Taihu Lake, is called land of lake, therefore it is full of water – rivers, lakes and pools. It’s unique in China, and therefore I consider this as one of the key attraction to tourists, people and investors. Huzhou is a nice place to live, very much like the city of Dusseldorf in Germany. If it is properly managed, it should be a nice alternative to living in Hangzhou or Shanghai.

I came from Huzhou, and I have been wandering across China and the world over the last three decades, but because my parents are getting older, so I have to come back to take care of them. Although I personally don’t feel at home in Huzhou, except when together with my parents and sisters and brothers, because I’ve left here so long, but Huzhou is really a good place for living, if not under communist rule, which turns this paradise into hell. It is such a beautiful place, so why shall we leave it for other less comfortable place and country? Here we have everything you need.

Returned home 2011-12-1/2

After nearly two months away from my mami, I was missing her very much, therefore I rushed home to spend couple of hours with her. It is always the happiest time when with my mother. But I have too many things to do to stay too long, therefore I returned to my own home soon afterwards.

Church  2011-11-27

1 Corinthiens
Chapitre 2
1 Pour moi, frères, lorsque je suis allé chez vous, ce n`est pas avec une supériorité de langage ou de sagesse que je suis allé vous annoncer le témoignage de Dieu.
2 Car je n`ai pas eu la pensée de savoir parmi vous autre chose que Jésus Christ, et Jésus Christ crucifié.

Reading Bible in different languages is feeling also different. For example, English is to me a plain language, giving me less sincerety than reading French. German Bible looks like a street story, and Russian Bible is orthodox. With Greek I’ve great difficulty yet, and I can only grasp a few words out of the chapters. Of course I know the contents.

Upto now I still have many doubts about the correctness of the Bible in many issues. But the christian communities don’w allow for non-orthodox voices, both in churches and in groups. Church is a undemocratic system. I am wandering how far the Chritianity will envolve into. Will it completely disppear in some distant future? What about Jesus and his authencity etc?

Nevertheless, I believe we humans shall respect the regulations or rather rules of the nature and the human kind, so that we may avoid many mistakes if we consider ourselves are the maker of these rules and systems. Faith is good if it helps to establish and run a fair society, so in this meaning Christianity has been playing a positive role, while in deponestique society, the rulers consider themselves as GOD or maker of the rules.



Law of Poverty

“The richer the country, the poorer the people in a non-democratic country.”
I’ve drawn such a conclusion well several years ago. This is an observation-based law, which says, the more the economy develops, the deeper the poor people will fall into absolute poverty. Of course, this law applies only to countries under dictatorship, that is the countries well a few elite groups of people are determining the fate of all others, such as China, North Korea, therefore does not fit to countries with modern governance or democracy, which is the majority of the world population now.

Under dictatorship control, because the key resources and power are in the hands of the few, therefore, the fruits of the economic and other social development go to their hands as well. And further more, because these people own the majority of resources – money and assets, they tend to enlarge their wealth through printing more and more paper money, so that most of these money again return to their pockets, while only a small portion leaks to the other people – the average and the poorest people. Through inflation policy, the richer are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer further faster.

I’ve not yet tried to prove this theorem or law mathematically. Of course, a mathematical model can be developed to prove my theorem or rather hyperthese in this case. But the reality now and in the past has already shown its truth.

Clothed Like Prostitutes

In western countries, normal women are wearing clothes which look more or less professional – if they are at work – or casually – if they are off work. Only those living on their flesh, that is, by selling their body – or rather their sex organs – are wearing clothes almost nude.

However in China, the majority – I would guess 60% - wear the same as those prostituting in other countries. Women wear short pants as short as close as “last inch”to their sex organs, and all around the year, they put on a long 靴子boots while with a very short pant, like the Nazis. Nowadays women wear long inner shirts but the outer shirts are very short, just to disclose the inner part of they body.

OS Reinstalled

I’ve bought a new computer with almost up-to-date systems, such as CPU, RAM, etc. It was running OK, but by cleaning the redundant system files the necessary system files of the OS core were also removed, no salvage was found, so that I’ve to reinstall it again – a painful experience indeed. Fortunately my computer is configured so that only the firewall needs to be reinstalled, all others are portable applications, that is, they need no installation. There they are there in my hard disks, they can be revoked any time with the normal installation steps – except for a few which need some kind of initialization. Of course, I need to reinstall the main board drivers and also to update the IE to the latest version.

The most sophisticated and painful thing is to reconfigure the system after the installation. It took me a whole day – 10 hours – to recover it to the previous state – you can’t just dump the registrar into the system. This configuration covers security, privacy and optimization parameterization. I’ve tried to work out an easy way to do that, for example a batch file, but without success. It’s difficult now for me to find out the shell commands for all the settings.

Mami Called me

Mami called me to inform me that my younger sister will come to me to bring me some food and clothes. I rushed to the market and bought some fruits and food for my Mami too, so that my sister can take them to my Mami. I myself will also soon go to my hometown to spend some time with my Mi, because I left hometown on Oct 7 on the day of the wedding of my niece.


I might be caught by a flu because my throat has been thoring over the last couple of days, or because a fish bone stuck in my throat. Normally I can recover a cold through a night’s sleep or  by drinking several cups of hot water. But this time the aching lasted longer, perhaps I was wearing to little while exposed to strong wind when climbing mountains or I’ve too little cover on my bed.

Daya Bay Nuclear Power Station

Last night (2011-11-20) I dreamed heavily about the Daya Bay Nuclear Power Station where I;ve worked for two years as a quality engineer. I met with almost all of my previous colleagues. They invited me to join them again. I did walk out to the construction site and only to find it dusty and chaotic. No entry control.

I was also walking in small roads in Shenzhen’s farm fields and later flew over them because the roads became so wet ...

I very often make dreams of the nuclear station where I’ve worked 2 years in the early 90’s.

Small Vendors in Huzhou

They are impatient, low graded. They scream and scold骂to you if you don’t buy their commodities. I have met several of those guys.


Resume bible learning again after 4 years suspending. This time with french and Greek versions. In 2004-2007, I’ve downloaded may versions of the Holy Bible – Chinese, English, German, French, Russian, Greek, Hebrew etc in an intention to read them through. But that was given up after a bad experience with local church in Hangzhou. But now I think it’s time to peruse them again. I started with French and occasionally. Greek. Although not all who go to churches are GOD-believer, I think we people still shall honor GOD, as this is the only way to keep us away from evil. A nation without faith has no future, likewise to a person.


My church life started largely with the hearing the beautiful songs of GOD. They are so graceful that later on, I never like the other songs. I was in charge of the audio and video equipments of the church, therefore I know quite a lot about the hymns. I went to a number of Christian sites and downloaded a lot of them. Now it’s time to replay them all. They give me some memoirs and some peace in mind.

IT, Languages, Solar, Thermophysics

I’ve spent huge amount of time on learning the above sciences over the last decades. It is really incredible how hard I was these days, and if I now give them up all at once and forever, I am killing myself as well. These days and these studies are integral part of my past and life. Although they are not the key competence now over the future, I cannot forget them easily, therefore I will review them in my daily schedule, no matter how much time I will allocate for each of them. Important is, that I shall keep some kind of track of these sciences.

Although I am now concentrating on number theory – and particularly the computational number theory for example primality testing – I am missing my days of learning these stuffs.
The thermophysics was my master major, and thermal power was my working areas when I was working at major international and domestic firms. Over the last couple of years, I’ve studied hard the thermodynamics and tried also to do some researches on various topics and areas of this science – solar thermodynamics, cancer thermodynamics, human thermodynamics, black body and other celestial thermodynamics, nano and small structure thermodynamics, exergo-economics etc.

Solar was my business area, where I have developed a well-known website with international fame, Further, I’ve expanded my solar business and learned alot of solar physics, radiation, radiation measurement, solar aircrafts etc.

I’ve studied almost all branches of the Internet – cryptography and Internet security, programming in several languages – Java, C/C++, VB, and scripting (PHP, ASP, JS, VS, perl, python etc), databases, Internet media, Internet communications, Web 20, WAP, and more.
I was a multi-linguist with some kind of proficiency in English, German, French, Russian and later (2008) Greek, Latin and Hebrew.

So you can imagine how much efforts I have put in all these studies and practices. And now, I have to give them almost all, leaving only English, Math, and a little IT for my current use. What a great loss and pity it is to me!